Connect 2 Canada

During my internship with LGND, I created two motion pieces for Connect 2 Canada using collage techniques. On the left is showcasing Canada’s Earth Day message, declaring Canada’s goal to fight climate change. On the right is celebration of La Francophonie Day.


Godzilla: King of Monsters Title Redesign

Godzilla: King of Monsters is one of my favorite movies; so when I was tasked with redesigning a movie’s title sequence, there was no other choice for me. I wanted to play on the quirky, camp aesthetic from the older Godzilla movies made in Japan, while also bringing in key characteristics of the newer movies.


PopTonic YouTube Videoes

I was tasked to create videos for the PopTonic YouTube channel, a quick but fun way to consume our content in video format. I wanted to bring the look of the website into the videos and keep the videos educational with the pop up facts.